Clash Of the Dragons & Cry Of the Dweebs

Totally and utterly ruined by: Micha

Micha's Rant     Apoc's Rant

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Walou...Walou...its me and you...Walou.

Well as most have probably guessed. The site is having some serious downtime. The reason? First Apocs pc had been infected by the MY.DOOM virus. Then my computer got infected by a lesser and weaker form of MYDOOM, but still a pain in the hole. This of course hinders me from using almost most of my applications. And yes you guessed it the one that its the hardest to use is the Photoshop and PSP. My computer would hang itself everytime i tried to edit. However i did manage to edit two images for a comic im starting on another site (no COD is not dead. im just wanting a seperate story idea that i've had for a while). I t took my about two weeks of the computer hanging up then me rebooting it. but i think it turned out alright. check them out in the todays comics section.

SO whats gonna happen? well Apocs reformatted his PC and reinstalled it with windowsXP. I fear that i will have to do the same. Unfourtunatly im not an expert on computers, and since i've been quite dodgy when it comes to succesfully reformatting my pc, i would rather wait for Apocs return for me to start on the comics again.

What have i been doing in the meantime? Well i've been working on the story as well as making comics by hand. As i mentioned earlier i havent had the possibility to edit em. But i've made loads of just waiting for Apoc to come around (he's in Oxford takin an exam course:P).

What about the site? Didnt you promise changes? AH! YES! that..........crud.... Well the problem there comes in that im just too lazy. I'll get started on it as soon as i can! its gonna take a little time...but hopefully with my ZERO knowledge of HTML(!) i will be able to do this (NOT!)......(DUH!?)

I'll also try to post up some artwork while were having this downtime. Dont worry ...(like you care) we'll back!



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Idiocy, plain idiocy. Being in the middle of having my exams, my mind really should be disintegrated to the extent that I should be incapable of recognizing anything as idiotic, but this simply shouts in my face. When the Norwegian government decides that they should turn off streetlights to save some money, we observe that politicians have gone cold turkey from having abstained from thought for so long. How about we reuse the tar from the roads? Just melt it and move it to another place. That way we won't have to spend money on more tar, and voilá! More money saved.

Money can be a problem in more than one way. The greatly uneven distribution leaves some people in the inevitable position of having the problem of constantly being in the desperate need for money, as there is no longer any alternative means of trading. So, what to do when you are in need of money? Forget money. Reintroduce the barter system! Problem solved! The barter system certainly was an interesting idea, and you really got to exploit your full marketing skills: "No, I'm telling you, my chicken for your herd of cows is an excellent bargain. Lookie! Eggs..."

But then there's also the problem with people that have so much they cannot appreciate what they have anymore. The Unca Scrooge syndrome, one could call it. One wonders how he gets a hold of all of that fancy equipment while being unwilling to part with the smallest amount of money... A Donald Duck version of hammerspace, perhaps.

Greed overcomes us all from time to time. It's simply human nature. This is why I believe a perfect world of equality would not work either. Humankind is far too complicated - and too much in need of entertainment - for a Utopia to ever exist. A world without a viable system of trading has no chance of survival, and money does provide a sensible means of trading. It all comes down to common sense over how it should be spread out. The gap between rich and poor is not a consequence of using money for trade, but rather from the indifference of those who have the ability to make some sort of difference.

Barter system, anyone? I'd like to try this with the examiners: "I'll buy you an icecream, you give me top marks in all my exams. I get into med school and earn a lot of money." I fail to see any logical flaw in this reasoning. "I'm telling you, take the icecream. It's a great bargain..."




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